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Bind9 with Cluster CRM – Pacemaker/Corosync

Bind9 with Cluster CRM – Pacemaker/Corosync

About six years ago, my company setup a two node DNS cluster using Heartbeat with Pacemaker on Ubuntu 14.04.This was to provide our customers with a recursive DNS server located in our Datacentre.The two node cluster is setup to be CNS only (caching name server). I...
Reset Start Menu & Taskbar

Reset Start Menu & Taskbar

If you are rolling out a GPO for startmenu and taskbar or even both. When you push out your XML script and it doesnt seem to work on some workstations. You can simple delete a few reg entries and files rather than delete the entire profile. Follow these paths. Reset...
Reset Start Menu & Taskbar

AD Upgrade DFS

You can verify if the system uses the FRS using dfsrmig /getglobalstate , To do this 1) Log in to domain controller as Domain ad min or Enterprise Admin2) Launch powershell console and type dfsrmig /getglobalstate. Output explains it’s not initiated DFRS...
3CX Certified – GET IN!

3CX Certified – GET IN!

I found that a lot of the questions ambiguous! on the 3CX basic exam. I got 24/30 4-5 times. It was silly! They need to sort the questions out internally! I understand they need to filter out people who want a free ride, but they need to sort this...